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제목 Style Magazine Web : 이퀴리브리오 리뷰

평점 : 0점  

작성자 : 발란스 (ip:)

작성일 : 2008-12-18 10:18:21

조회 : 482

추천 : 7 추천


 Town Talk

Smart, Cutting-Edge, Chic Jewelry

If Albert Einstein had gone into jewelry design instead of physics, he might have invented Equilibrio jewelry instead of E = mc2.  Or, more likely, Equilibrio jewelry might possibly have inspired or led him to the E = mc2 equation just a little faster.  Had he been wearing Equilibrio jewelry, it’s possible the mystery of the Antikythera Mechanism would have been explained; the enigma of Pioneer Anomalies would have accounted for why spacecraft in earth’s atmosphere are pulled by mysterious forces; the question as to why dark energy stunts a galaxies growth would have been answered.  Why?  Because the Equilibrio is considered to be a powerful piece of jewelry, promoting intelligence, style and chic.

Some people consider it to be based upon a pseudoscience.  Fair enough.  I could easily be one of those people.  The jury is still out.  I’m not someone who believes in crystals (other than to gaze upon with marvel), psychics (other than to enjoy as television entertainment when there’s nothing else to watch), tarrot cards (unless the cards allow Canasta or Bridge play, forget it), etc.  However, I do believe that cell phones and hanging around strong electromagnetic fields damage cells in our body.  And I do believe that we have probably figured out only about 0.001% of what we think we really know.  In fact, the film What the Bleep Do We Know!? should be required watching (especially if they removed the—sorry Matlin— Marlee Matlin part out and stuck to the science); if for no other reason, the film explains why we should at least be open to another level of thinking. Because of this, I can buy into the idea that the Equilibrio system is not your grandmother’s copper ankle bracelet.

In fact, the people behind Equilibrio were heavily influenced by Stanford University’s professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering, Dr. William A. Tiller, Ph.D., who believes in psychoenergetics. An explanation of what psychoenergetics is from the Tiller Foundation: “Psychoenergetic Science involves the expansion of traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention as capable of significantly affecting both the properties of materials (non-living and living) and what we call ‘physical reality.‘“ Thus, Equilibrio invented the first Clarus-type Jewelry.  And what is Clarus?  Dr. Tiller, the Guggenheim Fellow, explains, “My intuition and logic suggest that Clarus type products will be an important part of humanity’s future.”—

I can’t attest to all the bio-wonders that Equilibrio promises (although I am a sucker for Guggenheim backed programs and good marketing gets me every time), but I can attest to the fact that the Equilibrio is one piece of jewelry I feel really good and smart wearing, and I like that Equilibrio jewelry has the possibility of delivering some good, big stuff in the spiritual/physical department.  And I also like it that everyone—and I mean everyone—stops me to ask me where I got my necklace.  Ha!

Equilibrio calls its jewelry “a personal energy system,” and, okay, it’s a free country and you can call anything what you want… I just call my Equilibrio (the Luna & Lucero) a fine looking piece of cutting edge jewelry.  Worth the investment you’ll get back in giving Equilibrio as a gift or wearing one yourself.  So for me, that’s where the intelligence comes in.  That’s smart.


첨부파일 : 20081218102535-dec08_cover.jpg

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